
Name: Ariel Whoseit Collector

Rarity: 1/32 (3%)

Cost: $2.38

Name: Captain Hook Captain Of The Jolly Roger

Rarity: 1/32 (3%)

Cost: $2.26

Name: Captain Hook Ruthless Pirate

Rarity: 1/48 (2%)

Cost: $0.66

Name: Captain Hook Thinking A Happy Thought

Rarity: 1/48 (2%)

Cost: $1.07

Name: Cruela De Vil Miserable As Usual

Rarity: 5/96 (5%)

Cost: $1.41

Name: Fishbone Quill

Rarity: 1/96 (1%)

Cost: $5.17

Name: Dr. Facilier Remarkable Gentleman

Rarity: 1/16 (6%)

Cost: $1.19

Name: Dr. Facilier Agent Provocateur

Rarity: 1/48 (2%)

Cost: $1.94

Name: Do It Again!

Rarity: 0 (0%)

Cost: $0.85

Name: Hades Lord of The Underworld

Rarity: 1/48 (2%)

Cost: $2.54

Name: Hades King of Olympus

Rarity: 1/32 (3%)

Cost: $1.48

Name: Grab Your Sword

Rarity: 0 (0%)

Cost: $4.88

Name: Genie Powers Unleashed

Rarity: 1/96 (1%)

Cost: $1.01

Name: Flotsam Ursula’s Spy

Rarity: 5/96 (5%)

Cost: $0.48

Name: Hans Scheming Prince

Rarity: 1/32 (3%)

Cost: $4.27

Name: Iago Loud-Mouthed Parrot

Rarity: 1/32 (3%)

Cost: $0.51

Name: If It’s Not Baroque

Rarity: 1/48 (2%)

Cost: $0.50

Name: Kuzco Temperamental Emperor

Rarity: 1/24 (4%)

Cost: $11.64

Name: Just In Time

Rarity: 1/96 (1%)

Cost: $2.48

Name: Jasmine Queen Of Agrabah

Rarity: 5/96 (5%)

Cost: $2.21

Name: Lady Tremaine Wicked Stepmother

Rarity: 1/96 (1%)

Cost: $0.78

Name: Lantern

Rarity: 5/96 (5%)

Cost: $4.20

Name: Lefou Instigator

Rarity: 1/48 (2%)

Cost: $1.56

Name: Let It Go

Rarity: 5/96 (5%)

Cost: $6.58

Name: Lilo

Rarity: 1/32 (1%)

Cost: $18.22

Name: Magic Mirror

Rarity: 1/32 (3%)

Cost: $4.25

Name: Maleficent Biding Her Time

Rarity: 1/48 (2%)

Cost: $10.41

Name: Maleficent Uninvited

Rarity: 1/32 (3%)

Cost: $0.74

Name: Maui Hero To All

Rarity: 1/48 (2%)

Cost: $9.53

Name: Maurice World-Famous Inventor

Rarity: 1/24 (4%)

Cost: $2.37

Name: Mickey Mouse Musketeer

Rarity: 5/96 (5%)

Cost: $2.24

Name: Maui Demigod

Rarity: 1/32 (3%)

Cost: $0.44

Name: Jafar Keeper of Secrets

Rarity: 1/96 (1%)

Cost: $3.60

Name: Jasmine Queen Of Agrabah

Rarity: 5/96 (5%)

Cost: $2.21

Name: Musketeer Tabard

Rarity: 5/96 (5%)

Cost: $1.09

Name: Moana Of Motunui

Rarity: 1/32 (3%)

Cost: $1.38

Name: Part Of Your World

Rarity: 1/96 (1%)

Cost: $1.10

Name: Plasma Blaster

Rarity: 1/48 (2%)

Cost: $0.93

Name: Poisoned Apple

Rarity: 1/96 (1%)

Cost: $0.72

Name: Scar Mastermind

Rarity: 0 (0%)

Cost: $0.40

Name: Scar Shameless Firebrand

Rarity: 1/24 (4%)

Cost: $0.39

Name: Sword Of Truth

Rarity: 1/32 (3%)

Cost: $0.45

Name: Stitch Abomination

Rarity: 5/96 (5%)

Cost: $0.72

Name: Simba Returned King

Rarity: 1/32 (3%)

Cost: $0.80

Name: Steal From The Rich

Rarity: 5/96 (5%)

Cost: $0.42

Name: White Rabbit’s Pocket Watch

Rarity: 1/48 (2%)

Cost: $2.74

Name: Ursula Shell Necklace

Rarity: 5/96 (5%)

Cost: $0.93

Name: Zeus God Of Lightning

Rarity: 1/24 (4%)

Cost: $0.94

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